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Given that we cycle through reincarnation, given that there is the concept of karma and therefore, growth and learning from past choices, given we are hardwired to care and to love deeply from the core of our being, our true self, what keeps us from living from that place all the time?

We have become so burdened by the daily grind, by so many people and things ‘needing’ our attention, that our energy is depleted and spread thin because we forgot. We forgot the fountain, the true self that fills us with light, that is something we are part of not something that we must seek outside of us.

We pour our efforts into the maze surrounding our true self, that collection of mental, emotional and identity programming of ‘must haves’ and ‘must do’s’ that demand our energy, constantly, incessantly, relentlessly, to keep us from getting through the maze to our core and true self, because if we got there even for an instant, all the taps draining our energy and putting us down are shut off, allowing us to experience the energy actually available to us for creating our world based on divine love, not the linear love of love vs. hate.

That’s why people who have had experiences of divine presence momentarily or otherwise, try to get back to that ‘place’. Many have spoken about their experiences in books and online. It doesn’t have to be a big and fancy event or a near-death experience. It happened to me while enjoying a west coast restaurant at the edge of a mature forest of fir and arbutus trees not far from the ocean. I wasn’t trying to make anything happen. For a split second everything shifted. I experienced (rather than saw, and words can hardly do it justice), a glimmer of peace that passes all understanding, that floods your being and your heart with such divine love that had I been standing I would have dropped to my knees. It didn’t last more than a few seconds as I believe I’ve not been open enough for long enough to hold that voltage on a regular basis because I did not know I could even get there. My eyes welled up in tears of joy as I looked across at my husband and when words would come, explain there was absolutely nothing wrong. At all.

So back into my maze I go, liquefying thought forms, dead ends and beliefs that try to turn me away and keep me from using progressive revelations, and to grow by looking at past choices and making new ones, because I can. Some paths in my maze have been reduced from a tall hedge to a lighted path I can navigate with ease. When it gets dense, where there is fear, as complicated and emotionally challenging as it is, I take some time for self-care and go within to start untangling the beliefs, ideas and lies I believed and that are keeping it dense, that I allowed there a long time ago. My maze is unique to me, as everyone else’s is unique to them, which is why we need more heart and more divine love to support each other through the journey, individually and globally. Given that we are all connected, we are not alone on this journey and can choose to seek out the light and learn to discern it from the dark (old patterns and programming) and experience being more connected with our true selves. We are all part of the global consciousness and can shift our part in it, so the ship can keep righting itself and the sails fill with light once again.



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