Golden Age Solution
Golden Age Solution
There is a golden age solution that begins in our evolution
by choosing a new direction, unearthing our highest version,
putting our blueprint on the table
where we are able
to trace our light and find we are more
in ways we could not do before
Forging trails in self mastery takes determination
in reaching more of our own illumination
and the joy of our reflection
in the cosmic stage of roles we chose to learn free will aces all,
and remind us we are spiritual in nature, a network together.
World systems feed the few ’n far between baring lack of balance and broken esteem.
Choosing to believe in our abilities
and planetary possibilities
where all are worthy, where all can shine
without the need for poverty changes
It’s love that raises us past the fears
of history replayed through countless years.
It points us to our spiritual archaeology that keeps showing up in our biology
where old patterns trap us in lower bands. Ascended masters light the way if we'd simply take their
Their light guides us past the mental drape
above material ponderings, beyond drama to our escape,
consciously shattering old blindfolds,
revealing golden age parables to be told.
Ready then, the power within frees our infinite capacity
to raise the all by rising up and find our true selves