Past patterns
Sometimes the path to wellness can feel as if we are like a dog chasing its own tail in circles until we fall down dizzy. The unresolved past just follows us around until we bring it into the present and shine some light on it.
Old emotional fear patterns may act like road blocks or self sabotage mechanisms when left unchecked and remain hidden or masked, as we have been taught to understand our health from a logical or physical perspective, not realizing we may also inherit fear patterns as much as we inherit green eyes or red hair. Sometimes traumatic events we were not able to resolve in past lifetimes creates the block which means there is little if any, awareness in this life of why we have the challenges we do….and Dr. Carolyn Myss assures us we all readily agreed on what our special challenges would be before we came back into embodiment, things we happily volunteered for. She is worth listening to if you ever get the chance to hear her in person or listen to some of her talks and books.
‘Dis-ease’ in the physical body usually begins in the mental, emotional and spiritual bodies especially over time or lifetimes, reaching the physical body last, which means the cause may not be physical, just the result. In the techniques I learned, fear patterns can affect physical health and may be from unresolved trauma that gets locked in to our energy fields, whether it was over a short or a long period of time. They get stored or held in our energy fields and body until we are able to clear them. Fears can be connected to things, places, people. They can also be acquired in this life time and not inherited. They may be held in the body organs or systems as long as the patterns remain locked in as if they were still active. Once identified, they can be neutralized and cleared, releasing them from being held in the body. Consciously clearing past life patterns can have profound effects on present day well being.
Another way of consciously dealing with fears, challenges and past life trauma is to use some spiritual techniques given by the ascended masters and passed down through different messengers over the years. When we raise our consciousness, we are raising ourselves up out of the lower vibrations that harbour disease and depression and dysfunction. Saying we want to be well while still emulating hateful malicious thoughts and actions against other people or events is not going to raise our vibration. Becoming more conscious of our thoughts and actions and making corrections as we go is what helps raise our vibration and therefore raises our consciousness to higher levels. Meditation, yoga, listening to harmonic soothing music, being with people where you can exchange peaceful conversation, as examples, may all help us come to a place of feeling comfortable with ourselves and others.
For those who want to take being whole again up to the next level, and to help correct lifetimes of trauma and lower vibrational energies, the regular use of constructive decrees to ascended masters will help reset one’s vibratory rate back on the path to a higher level in all levels of our energy fields. This is due to both the vibrational quality of the decrees, and to working directly with the ascended masters (because we are spiritual too). It’s like going beyond what the power of positive thinking can do as we are taught to perceive our positive 'side' as if we are separate unconnected beings. Affirmations have long been used to help retrain our mental state from a negative to a positive one that raises us up. Ascended master decrees take us even further faster.