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Following my Heart

This Kuan Yin is in the gardens at the Horticulture Centre of the Pacific and I have been very grateful over the years to have learned of her and her compassion, especially being one of those kids that grew up unsure about most things. I think I was eleven when I went to church on Sundays in the summer when I didn’t have to, I had questions about life that didn’t seem to have answers. By the time I was thirteen it was clear to me that church would not be where I quench my thirst for knowledge, the gospels and explanations were too vague and stuffy and nobody seemed to get excited about some of the things that actually seemed to matter, like when Jesus said, “the works that I do shall ye do also; and greater works than these shall ye do; because I go unto my Father.” I didn’t really get the going unto the Father part, but I certainly heard crystal clear that we had the potential to do great things like he did. Wow. I did not have a lot of self esteem and this seemed very empowering. I didn’t really know what to do with that information at the time, but I never forgot it. Jesus also said something about being born again. That sounded important. The clincher was that somewhere Jesus talked about believing in him from anywhere, so why would I need a building and a system full of people that sternly talked in circles and instilled fear through rigidity and rules, ...or else. Not for this girl. My quest for knowledge was obviously up to me. We did not have internet back then so it was books and magazines, and hearing little snippets here and there. After I married, and as young parents, we moved to a small town in northern British Columbia which meant even less access to information, so I took a herbalist course by correspondence. There was still a gap in my life. Everyone seems to laugh about the “Who am I, why am I here?” question, I guess because they never met anybody with any reasonable answers. I certainly hadn’t. When I left the north in 1992 moving to Vancouver, I found myself in the middle of a wildly expanding ‘new age’ movement. Finally, at last, I had found ‘my people’. Thrilled with all the information at my fingertips, I became a workshop-a-holic taking energy courses, going to seminars, hearing fabulous speakers and authors that were all transforming the spiritual landscape at lightning speed. My heart was full to bursting with joy. Well, that’s what it felt like at first. I realized that just because one embraces the new age doesn’t mean they have left behind all their issues and baggage, or that everyone you meet has the attainment of Buddha. Granted, many seemed to be trying for such attainment. I didn’t really like long orange clothing or the isolation of monk style living as an option for myself, and I wasn’t going anywhere near anything resembling a church for soul searching answers. I was surprised to meet many elderly folks who had been in the ‘new age’ movement for years; that had me thinking. Meeting them was very humbling as they also seemed to be at peace with themselves, which seemed like a key ingredient and might even have something to do with God, or the “All That Is”, as some call it - those who are still shedding lifetimes of religious persecution and trauma, that still shudder at the mere mention of any term which sounds like it might lead them to church dogma or doctrine. It matters more what is in the heart, not on the label. As I got better at doing energy work and was still pondering Jesus’ statement about doing the works that he does, I also learned of ascended masters. Everyone by this point was freely talking about angels and calling angels for all kinds of healing and things, and even joking about parking spots..... I suppose that demonstrated a new kind of confidence in spirit and spirituality, or at least the freedom to openly talk about it finally.

Knowledge of ascended masters did not seem to be as widespread as angel information, they are in a different category in the spiritual hierarchy, however, if we were to be doing healing well, we were instructed to work with the ascended masters, archangels, and our higher self. So I did. I knew I had a long ways to go, but I was feeling comfort in the place I was in every single time I connected with spirit in this way. It made sense, even though I was going on very little information and cannot ‘see’ ascended masters and spiritual beings, I feel their love fill up my heart in ways that are hard to describe. How many times have we heard, ”We are spiritual beings having a human experience”? To have the human experience, we need a physical body to get us around in the material world, which just so happens to take up so much of our attention that we forgot we came here to wake up and remember our fabulous, spectacular, spiritual nature. During my journey as a healer, I was more focussed on the healing process, not the names and roles of all the archangels and ascended masters. I didn’t even get that Jesus and Mother Mary and Buddha are all ascended masters. I knew I did not ‘do’ the healing, and yet still saw the hierarchy of the spiritual realm as though I wasn’t connected to them or part of them. I didn’t see them as us, I saw them as them. Separate. I didn’t really know who they are or much about them, I just called on them. (with utmost respect). I found calling or invoking, in word or thought, to our spiritual kin on a daily basis strengthened the inner connection to my higher self. I had not yet had the aha moment of the wisdom in the words, “We are spiritual beings”...... Whatever made me think that did not mean what it says? Of course I can talk to God, Donald Neale Walsh can, and he even wrote a book about it, so have others.

At one point I had come across stories of Saint Germain and the Violet Flame which resonated with me. Fortunately, there have also been some gifted people in each generation who have become messengers for the ascended masters, and have provided things like the explanation of the hierarchy of the spiritual realm and new wisdom and tools that help us let go of lifetimes of useless stuff that blocks our spiritual and therefore personal growth. We now don’t have to rely on a really old book edited by persons with questionable political motives. I am so grateful for the depth and volume of information on sites like Transcendence Toolbox, for example.

We don’t have to be as perfect as what we think Kuan Yin, Jesus, Buddha or other masters are. They cannot wait for us to be perfect. Besides, they have been evolving for the past couple thousand years too, so trying to figure out ‘perfect’ is not a productive use of our time. We just need to get on the path and go. The possibilities the golden age brings are vast, yet we are not alone and there is lots of help from ascended masters - if we ask. Every day is a new day and begins a new cycle, so every day/cycle we need to ask - why - because everyday we get to choose using our free will, and the masters will not interfere with that.

There is no right or wrong path. There is only the path that you choose. Whatever you choose, there will be many opportunities for you to grow and expand - Kuan Yin

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