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Golden Age Nuggets

Nuggets of wisdom from the spiritual realm of
angels, archangels and ascended masters


The paradox of a choice is there is always a choice.
What matters is that you matter, the conscious you, not the outward you, the unreal you or anything else but the real you. Maintain your balance, being at peace each step of the way, for you cannot go from one step to the other without maintaining a certain peace within yourself, a certain peace of mind, a certain peace of emotion, a certain sense of being at peace.


If you believe in the angelic realm, the spiritual realm and that angels and ascended masters are standing by willing and ready to help, understand they honour free will and can only assist when asked. Ask from your heart, your true self, the most important connection you have. As in anything, the more you practice being present, being neutral, be…ing, the easier it becomes to be your real self, at least practice fluttering around rather than tie yourself up in the mass consciousness.


You only need to see the next step, the next shift, the next surrender, the next stone to be tossed out. One step at a time, one day at a time, one month at a time or one year at a time, it matters not how long it takes. All it does it give you a perspective of how to slow down and be at peace with where you are right now and what is the next step, what is next burden to throw out, what is the next glimpse of how to lighten the load and move on, liquefying, surrendering, whatever word you wish to use. Keep it simple. Realize that the outer self can always give you an excuse of why it doesn’t want to have the next stone tossed out.


When you put it all in perspective, it matters not how anyone reacts to you or anyone else. It only matters how much love is in your heart so to speak, how much love you pull down from your causal body for you have an unlimited amount, unlimited.
So, when you have such an unlimited amount of love and you have the balance between the alpha and the omega and you walk and talk from that neutral point of the flow, how can anyone not be affected?  By being who you are, you automatically raise the consciousness of the planet for you are maintaining a certain vibration, a certain consciousness and there is a continual flow night and day from your being, even though some days it might feel heavier than others. Just open the tap a little more and love yourself for being in such a state.


Forgiveness is the lock. Love is the key to open the door to the light and love of the universal Christ flame within every soul, no matter where they vibrate on this planet and beyond.

You may call to any ascended master also, anytime, anywhere that you feel the slightest out of balance, until such time that you realize when you focus on your I AM Presence you are focusing on all of us in that state of Oneness.


When you acknowledge your I AM Presence, you can put the same vibration into making muffins or a glass of cold water in giving to those in need who have the emotional traumas, the mental traumas, the physical traumas and even the spiritual traumas.What does it take to bless a cup of cold water or a cup of tea? Just the intention…Let go of the concept of not being good enough. Open up a white page and realize there is more, there is always more.


It is not a sign of weakness to be sensitive to all the energies that you feel. It's only a matter of realizing how sensitive one can be and balance it with the right amount of energy from being the sensitive mother to the sensitive father light that we all acquire as we grow higher and higher.


To be or not to be is not merely a question. It may just be the answer.


When you feel a bit of apprehension and make the affirmation, 'I AM the Buddha where I AM', immediately we became one and there is no more apprehension. You see how things transcend from the inner to the outer and from the outer to the inner world so to speak. It’s not to say that we are not connected all the time, but when you send out that figure eight flow of an affirmation it is instantly responded to in kind.
The same will apply to any situation or anyone. When you are in their presence and they feel a certain amount of anxiety, the moment you think of the Buddha that you are, you help those within your circle of influence to calm down and be the Buddha also to the best of their ability, regardless of if they have ever acknowledged the Buddha.


It’s very difficult after you see or hear something from your I AM Presence to go hmmmm, where did that come from? For you see when you are instantly and naturally aligned with your I AM Presence, whether somebody rationalizes or intellectualizes what you say or do, matters not, for how can you know what any other soul needs at any given moment? When you hear or see someone else say something, how can you tell whether it is coming from their I AM Presence or not? You can’t and it doesn’t matter.
What matters is your reaction. Is it helping you to see something in yourself or in your not-self that you need to see and understand and look at in that state of neutrality of non-reaction and assessing whether the ant be a messenger - to heed it or not is your choice.


Your I AM Presence does not react to anything in the way that you might expect. For you see, your higher self is above time and space. We see everything from a different perspective and are not affected by mediocre things going on in your life. When you attune to your I AM Presence you almost disregard everything going on about you and yet at the same time are totally in tune with everything going on around you. So you see my beloved ones, when you tune into your I AM Presence you are tuning into that part of you that is totally real. As you go about your daily business your I AM Presence is always available at any moment, at any time, to connect with the I AM Presence of any other soul and say or do whatever comes naturally without the interference of your four lower bodies.
That is the mechanism that Jesus taught, that ‘my Father worketh hitherto and I work’, for when he was in tune with his I AM Presence, he said or did whatever was required instantaneously at that moment without discerning whether the words or his actions were really necessary or not, for he did not allow his intellect or his rationalization at those moments to interfere.


To be an open door is pretty simple. You just open the door and allow us in and out into the world. You do not have to think about it, it is being. It really doesn’t matter whether you read a newspaper or not, or follow the news, or this or that. Yes, it may be and appear a bit boring at first that your opinion doesn’t matter. Your insights don’t matter, yes, nothing really matters except being you. Just to be, to be all that you can in light and love. Remember, your Higher Self, your I Am Presence, your heart and your head and your hands are mine also. Go in peace.


Yes, you are concerned about what is going on in the world, but you also see that the out picturing of the mass consciousness on certain levels is totally, totally, totally all about seeing a different level of free will, just as you have free will now to stay at the level you are at, go down or go up. The choice, the choices that we make, are all about free will and allowing it to outplay itself in front of your eyes with no discrimination, no judgment and sort of be entertained about how it all works out and watching it unfold.


Because of free will people have the right to do whatever they feel right to do. Learn to stay in neutral and allow free will to reign supreme without making karma by projecting onto someone something, or misusing your light. Be in neutral. It is certain tricky situations we get ourselves into sometimes without even realizing it, even in discussing certain individuals and projecting onto them a certain negative energy almost, that they are not fulfilling their divine plan. Yes, it’s quite possible, but that’s why Jesus said many years ago, “Judge not that ye be judged”, and “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s and render unto God that which is God’s”.


Yes, we say, ‘Let go and let God’, the God in you. Love yourself beyond all love. Love yourself, not your outer self - your inner self.
Let the real you shine forth as the sun shines through you. As you used to say many times, “open up your heart and let the sun shine in”, but now I say, “Open up your heart and let the sun shine out”. Be not afraid of the light, of the sunlight; the Christos from what shines forth through me to you - which is us, is the sun of all suns, for behind the sun, the Great Central Sun, is a consciousness that connects all of us together in the One.


Understand the oneness of all life and that all ascended masters work through that one I Am Presence, even though it is individualized for each. The intelligence, the vibration, the essence, the love that creates has the same potential, the same ability, the same free will, to be or not to be. That is the free will choice of each soul of light regardless of what level they are on.


Being one, if there is only one, then we are all One. Yet when you are in the world of duality, how is it that the human mind cannot comprehend that oneness? It can certainly intellectualize the oneness, but there is a part of you that can experience that oneness. That is your I Am Presence and when you are experiencing your I am Presence you are basically beginning the step towards experiencing the oneness that you can be everywhere and nowhere, for everywhere contends that there is somewhere for everywhere. How can you be everywhere? It designates a time and place almost of duality to be somewhere and everywhere and that is the paradox. When you are in that neutral state with your I Am Presence and you feel so to speak, that Oneness, it’s like almost sticking your toe into the water - you feel the water but only your toe is in the water, and how does the rest of you react to that? That analogy is such that when you experience Oneness, even just a little, little bit, it affects the whole body.


You see the dilemma which you put yourself into sometimes - the fine thread of fear and doubt which is a sort of residual aspect of your being in embodiment.
That is why we give you the teachings on the duality of life, on transcending the duality, of how to throw the mind in neutral, to be not projecting out or not projecting in, the overcoming of all this duality and the should haves, the would haves and the could haves is an ongoing process with much more subtlety each time until there is a point where you recognize that the only place in consciousness to be is with your I Am Presence.


When we consciously go within, we simultaneously understand the human mind cannot possibly fathom the forces of light that hold this world together and that’s okay.


The world is a stage of different things, different opportunities, different judgments all combined into one situation or two. You may rack your brain all you want, but you will never figure it out, but when you understand the ongoing Oneness of life from an ascended masters point of view, there is a certain place and a certain time for certain things to unravel, certain initiations for certain groups of people, certain karma so to speak, that is beyond any rationalization or intellectualizing as to why and how things happen.
Your opportunity to maintain the peace and the balance, being in neutral, breathing in that Oneness and allowing it to go out and spread across the planet, when you look down from say ten million miles up, understand certain souls volunteer for certain things to happen in order to help a planet transform itself, and to rise above. 
Know that there is something beyond a little drama, something so much bigger and better – called love. Love beyond the human aspect. Love beyond all conditions. Love beyond all appearances, to that love that transcends everything into the oneness that we all share.


When we say try to be in neutral, be one with everyone wherever you are, wherever you go and whatever you do. You see, it is all energy. If you erase the physical realm and the emotional realm and the mental realm, all that is left is beautiful souls all using their free will to come up higher if they so choose or go down lower if they so choose. It’s not a matter of coming or going, it’s a matter of being. Being one with your I Am Presence, being one with each and every one around you on that heart level, that heart connection and knowing that is all there is to do to be. To be or not to be...the most famous question…


When we say try to be in neutral, be one with everyone wherever you are, wherever you go and whatever you do. You see, it is all energy. If you erase the physical realm and the emotional realm and the mental realm, all that is left is beautiful souls all using their free will to come up higher if they so choose or go down lower if they so choose. It’s not a matter of coming or going, it’s a matter of being. Being one with your I Am Presence, being one with each and every one around you on that heart level, that heart connection and knowing that is all there is to do to be. To be or not to be...the most famous question…


Whether you say good morning or whether you buy a token of gratitude for someone, it is all energy going and coming, coming and going with the ongoingness of life. You see, heart to heart has an effect when your aura is filled with love and compassion for understanding all of life and you are beginning to realize that the mind, the intellect, has a limited amount of energy to comprehend what is going on.


The gift of the Divine Mother - for all who will accept the gift of love, unconditional love, is such an intangible gift and that gift is for you to open your heart and let it flow out into the world, even visualizing the golden pinkness of clouds that you see at sunset, radiating out through your chakras, through your heart to every and any one, not only that you come in contact with, but pouring it out into the world. As that love flows through you, as you open the door wider and wider until there is such a flow so powerful that it almost feels like it’s melting the hearts, washing away the dross of worry, of fear, of doubts, of shame, radiating out across this planet - giving forth, giving forth a love beyond words, beyond comprehension. Just being in the state of Oneness that there is no beginning and end to the flow, giving yourself permission to love yourself so much that the overflowingness almost overpowers you as it goes forth, not only to your circle of influence, not only to your family and friends, but to every soul wherever they are open to receiving. Being the open door for me, being my heart, my hands, and my feet in embodiment, you see my beloved ones, you need not to think or analyze. Being in that neutral state of not projecting out and not projecting in, you, by your permission, allow us to pour more and more and more light and love through you.

Be at peace in all that you do.


I, that I that is, the I, the id of God within you that is within me - I am here only to show you the way, the truth, and the light. That’s why I said 2,000 years ago, “I Am is the Way, I Am is the truth, I Am is the light, and yes they left out that one little word – is – so they could set me up in a space of idolatry to confuse everyone. You see my beloved ones, it is not about you and it is not about me, it’s about the I Am Is, the Isness, the Oneness, whatever way makes sense, hold on to that part of you that is so permanent within your being beyond your physical, your mental, your emotional body and come to that point ‘in the garden’ where we are One.


One word can change the direction of a soul. When you are centred in the heart, centred in your I Am Presence, all have the ability to speak your mind from your heart so to speak. You understand that the Living Word is not the word but the living aspect of being in that place where you can bring forth the Word. You will not have to think about what you need to say. Even though you may not understand exactly how it works, the light and love that pours through my Word is what will raise this planet, not what you think will raise the planet.


What is the light that you so earnestly try to embody? You are light. You do not have to see the light, you do not have to understand the light, you do not have to be anything other than open to the light that is available to flow through you at any given moment.


What is the light that you so earnestly try to embody? You are light. You do not have to see the light, you do not have to understand the light, you do not have to be anything other than open to the light that is available to flow through you at any given moment.


What more can you ask of yourself? What more can you ask of anyone else other than to give them the opportunity, give them the awareness, give them the understanding there is always more? More and more and more. There is no end to more, there is no beginning to more, there is just more. There is more light, there is more love than anyone can ever fathom. There is no number, there is no quantitative expression that would ever make sense as to how much more there is. Even in trying to explain, that is why we use concepts like the word more.
What is more? As soon as you think of more you think of less in a duality consciousness. More on this side does not have any aspects. Just like love is unconditional, more is unconditional. There is no end and no beginning to more.


We can think we know what love is and as we evolve we can gain a totally different perspective of what love is that goes beyond all human concepts and sees so much beauty even in a little flower - the intelligence required, the creativity that goes forth in to every little plant, every little flower.
For when you can imagine every little iota, miniscule atom and electron coming forth through that stream of the River of Life allowing each little plant to open up and bring forth and shine forth its beauty without any discrimination no matter who looks upon or gazes upon all the beauty, you see and feel the vibration of the love that goes forth to remind each soul that within their heart there is also a flower, a lotus, streaming forth the love if it by free will, would only open up and see the beauty of every other flower, every other heart chakra.

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